Wednesday, March 24, 2004

This Dick Gets It

Now, here's a Dick who's seen the light. In his New York Post opinion column, Dick Morris paints a picture which many on the left side of the aisle can't be too pleased with. A few bits below:
    "The polls are starting to reflect the effectiveness of Bush's ads, which depict Kerry explaining his ultra-liberal record to the voters. This Democrat, who escaped scrutiny by posing as the un-Dean in the primary, is now being revealed as the leftist he is."

    "The fact is that Massachusetts liberal Democrats don't spend a lot of time learning how to appeal to middle America."

    "Bush needs to keep up the pressure and watch Kerry's ratings drop. In a few months, we may be wondering why the conventional wisdom ever thought this race would be so close."
I have to partially disagree with the last quote above. I think it is going to be a very close Massachusetts.