Monday, October 03, 2005

Correct Me If I'm Wrong

Last I checked, the winner of the presidential election was the one who gets to decide who the nominee shall be to fill any vacancies on the Supreme Court that might come up during his term in office.

From ABC News (via the AP):

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., had urged the administration to consider Miers, two congressional officials said.

Gee, why not just let let Ted Kennedy pick someone?

In his speech this morning, President Bush said he was looking forward to Harriet Miers recieving broad bipartisan support in the Senate. Yeah, you dipshit, that's just what the people who voted for you want - a Supreme Court justice with the Feinstein - Clinton - Kennedy - Reid - Schumer (FCKeRS) Stamp of Approval. We could have had that easily enough by voting other guy, what's-his-name there.

Bush, his approval rating falling in recent months, had been under intense pressure to nominate a woman or a minority.

And abandoning your base by selling out to the Boxer-Obama (BoOb) wing of the Democrat Party is supposed to remedy this situation how, exactly?

More less-than-favorable commentary here:

We fought tooth and nail on the promise of Scalias and Thomases. With incredibly able judges around Bush chose a crappy lightweight just because he liked her.

I have been Bush’s greatest fan but am now sick to my stomach.

Gosh, Bush is certainly doing everything he can to depress Conservatives.

Oh well……..He is certainly alot of things, a conservative….no.

WHY a crony pick at a time like this??!! Poltically and jurisprudentially this could be a real disaster for the administration.

CNN is reporting that Harriet Meirs was one of the names on a “no fillibuster” list. If true, it means that Bush had no intention of fighting for a qualified experienced judge. It also means that the court will remain socially liberal for another generation.

unbelievable. unreal. unexcusable. we waited since July for this?

Just when I thought my despair and disdain could not get any worse. bush, you pathetic loser.

I — can’t — believe it. This is friggin’ incredible. I have never quite signed up as a Repub - and now I know why. When they get power, they don’t use it, they become just like the Dems. On to the libertarians, perhaps?
