Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Don't Try This at Home, Kids

These people are highly-educated professionals. From Time Magazine on naming George W. Bush "Person of the Year":

For sticking to his guns (literally and figuratively), for reshaping the rules of politics to fit his ten-gallon-hat leadership style and for persuading a majority of voters that he deserved to be in the White House for another four years, George W. Bush is TIME's 2004 Person of the Year.

Perhaps he should consider switching his grips - maybe something in a smooth walnut finish.

Not only do they misuse the word 'literally' (which literally burns my ass), but they do so in conjunction with the word 'figuratively', further highlighting their sixth-grade writing skills. And these are people (yes, it apparently took two writers to come up with that sentence) who do this for a living. Yeesh.

Further, I don't think for one second Bush persuaded "a majority of voters that he deserved to be in the White House for another four years". There was a large block of voters in this country eager to vote for someone other than Bush, given a viable alternative, but that someone was definitely NOT the junior senator from Massachusetts.

The fact that Bush beat an out-of-touch, elitist, liberal, union-puppet, gun-banning, UN-rumpswab had VERY little to do with anything Bush was bringing to the table. It just happened the "Anybody But Kerry" contingency outnumbered the "Anybody But Bush" folks.