Friday, May 07, 2004

Rachel Lucas Returns

Rachel Lucas, who had "retired" from the blogosphere before I entered it has returned. If you want to know why she's been missed, check out her recent commentary on retrieving her old archives:
    Update: I finally made my archives work, mostly. God, how embarrassing. If you don't blog, or even if you do but you're not filled with self-loathing for your own writing, you can't imagine how exquisitely painful it is to read stuff you wrote in the past and to see quite clearly that you yourself are actually a gigantic assbiscuit, cheesy and dorky in all your keyboard-thumping glory. Or maybe it's just me.
She's ba-a-a-ack. And if the word "assbiscuit" doesn't make you laugh out loud, seek immediate medical attention - there's something seriously wrong with you.