Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Beacon Hill-billies (cont.)

Well, I've been meaning to post on this one for a while - the latest shenanigans on Beacon Hill concerning the attempts by our Democratic leadership to overturn a law that gives the Governor the power to appoint an interim US Senator shoud a mid-term vacancy occur. This interim senator would hold office until the next election for the seat rolls around.

Needless to say, the law, which has been on the books for some time now, and was used without a hitch when John Kennedy left the Senate, is now the biggest threat facing our democracy today, according to the Democrats who run this place. I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that a Republican holds the corner office. Noooo...it's about the people! Uh-huh.

Matt Margolis has more on this, as well as some excellent examples of the arrogance and hypocrisy we've come to expect from our elected officials. And I find it hard to argue with this opening line:
Massachusetts Democrats are by far the most stupid and corrupt bunch I have ever seen.
It's a good quick read, short and to the point.