Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Saddam Hussein channels C.W. McCall

Interesting piece in the Washington Times here (link via Kallini Brothers):

Saddam Hussein periodically removed guards on the Syrian border and replaced them with his own intelligence agents who supervised the movement of banned materials between the two countries, U.S. investigators have discovered.

The recent discovery by the Bush administration's Iraq Survey Group (ISG) is fueling speculation, but is not proof, that the Iraqi dictator moved prohibited weapons of mass destruction (WMD) into Syria before the March 2003 invasion by a U.S.-led coalition.

Two defense sources told The Washington Times that the ISG has interviewed Iraqis who told of Saddam's system of dispatching his trusted Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) to the border, where they would send border inspectors away.

The shift was followed by the movement of trucks in and out of Syria suspected of carrying materials banned by U.N. sanctions. Once the shipments were made, the agents would leave and the regular border guards would resume their posts.

I'm sure this was nothing. No doubt these trucks were carrying school supplies, donated by that nice Saddam Hussein guy, for the needy Syrian children. How could anyone support the removal from power of such a kind, benevolent soul?

Should these suspicions be proven true between now and the election in November, prepare yourself for the unbearable onslaught of the screeching, leftist moonbat camp decrying the "suspicious timing" of this discovery - accompanied, of course, by a near blackout in coverage by the lamestream media.

Also prepare yourself, should that come to fruition, to say farewell to the last hope of the Democrats to salvage any kind of reputability in this country for at least the next generation or so.