Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Taken With a Grain of (Pretzel) Salt

Beer in moderation could be good for you

TORONTO -- Beer, a health food? That's what some Canadian researchers report.

A study from the University of Western Ontario finds a brew could be good for you. The researchers say beer has antioxidant boosters that could help fight cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

But the key is moderation. The researchers found three beers would have the opposite effect.

The study was funded by beermakers Guinness and Labatt. But the university says the financial support had no influence on the outcome.

No real news here. Any beer drinker worth his salt has known this for years.

But now, if someone would only publish a similar study on the health benefits of Tostitos® Hint of Lime, THEN I'd be all set. Few things are as satisfying as finding that one chip with a grossly disproportionate amount of that fake green salty lime powder crud on it.

[homer]Mmmmm...fake green salty lime powder crud.[/homer]