Thursday, September 09, 2004

Vote for my husband, you idiots!

Looks like someone left the beach house door open and Teresa got out (after falling off her rocker - again).

LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) Teresa Heinz Kerry says "only an idiot" would fail to support the health care plan proposed by her husband, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.


"Only an idiot wouldn't like this," Heinz Kerry told the Intelligencer Journal of Lancaster for a story in its Thursday editions. "Of course, there are idiots."

Remember, the eeevil Republicans are the party of hate. Can you even imagine Laura Bush saying something as moronic as this? But wait, there's more.

The common man doesn't look at me as some rich witch.

Color me uncommon, I suppose, but is a person who doesn't recognize a cup of chili when she sees it really qualified to be making statements on the perceptions of the "common man"?