Wednesday, January 05, 2005

And You Re-enlisted WHY?

It's not often that I will refer to anyone wearing the uniform of the United States Marines a total pussy, but there are exceptions to every rule.

Marine Jailed for Refusing to Pick Up Gun

41 minutes ago

By ESTES THOMPSON, Associated Press Writer

RALEIGH, N.C. - A soldier who re-enlisted with the Marines after becoming a Seventh-Day Adventist has been jailed for refusing to pick up a gun

Cpl. Joel D. Klimkewicz, 24, of Birch Run, Mich., was sentenced last month in a court-martial to seven months in Camp Lejeune's brig. He also received a reduction in rank to private and a bad conduct discharge.

Klimkewicz was charged with refusing to obey order two years to draw a weapon from his unit's armory for a training exercise in preparation for an Iraq deployment.

Good grief.