Monday, May 09, 2005

Home Again

Well, I made it home last night around 12:30 or so. It's going to be a serious coffee day. Regular blogging will resume once the cobwebs are cleared out and I've had time to catch up on the news of the day.

I was looking for a link to a story I read in the Boston Herald as we were waiting to board our plane on Friday. It seems the owners of a Boston flower shop were forced to close their business after being help up at knifepoint on several occasions. Forcing small businesses out of existence - the Menino legacy lives on.

It would make the perfect "Compare and Contrast" post with the previous story of the Arlington pharmacist who opened fire when some asshole tried to rob him at gunpoint a few days ago.

I've got more to say on that story as well. Will get to it eventually. Right now, I need coffee.