Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cry Me A(nother) River

The Metrowest Daily News sounds off on Matthew Braley, the dirtbag who got his ass handed to him on a platter by the 25-year-old waitress he tried to mug the other day using a hypodermic needle. Check out this tear-jerker of a headline:

Even the 'good kids' get hooked

"Good kids"?

Braley, 21, was arraigned yesterday on four charges, including armed robbery, attempting to pass a forged check, the forgery itself and accepting stolen property.

Shit, what do you have to do to be a "bad kid" in that town?

Another neighbor, who didn't want to be named, agreed the Braleys were good people but sometimes it isn't enough. "Even good kids are into heroin now," she said. "It's cheap and easy to get."

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Note: That was a rhetorical question, for those of you who might be new to this site.

The "good kids" are going to school, holding down jobs, exercising personal responsibility, and bettering their lives through education and community service. It's the spoiled, snotty-assed, dirtbag kids who are doing heroin, cashing bum checks, and committing armed robbery.

Fucking idiots.

Here's the money quote from the article:

Like many other young people, Braley probably drank his share of beer...

Yeah, probably.