Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Saw This One Coming

Startling (not) news from the Boston Globe this morning.

Killings equal 10-year high

Boston reached a grim benchmark yesterday, recording its 65th and 66th homicides this year, surpassing the total for all of last year and equaling a 10-year high.


By last night, police had made no arrests in either case, also typical for this year's homicides. According to a preliminary department count, police have arrested or identified suspects in only 20 of the 66 cases.

(click for full-size image)

I have just one question (for now).

When Boston had "only" 31 homicides back in 1999, that statistic was held up as incontrovertible evidence that the "most effective gun laws in the nation" were working, despite the accompanying fact that neighboring states such as New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont had pretty much the same, if not looser, restrictions on gun ownership in place that they do today.

But, now that the murder rate in Boston is back up to its highest level in ten years, why is it suddenly our neighboring states' fault for flooding our streets with guns, as the Mayor would sincerely like you to believe?

Hmmm..I wonder.

Well, I was going to leave it at that, but why not entertain a few Mumbles quotes from the above article.

"There's so many guns out there," Menino said in an interview. "It is so frustrating."

No, no, no, you clueless fucking moron!

What's "so frustrating" is reading day after day about your refusal to address the CRIMINAL problem in your city. News flash - You could drop a crate full of handguns, rifles, and shotguns on every street corner in a town with a low criminal population and guess what the result would be?


If scientists can teach a chimpanzee to crap in a diaper, you'd think there might a faint sliver of hope that Menino could learn about, and address, some of the real problems facing the people of Boston today. But, that thought would soon fade.

And following the shootout outside an elementary school in Dorchester on Monday:

Menino angrily vowed to find the shooters...

Yeah, he and O.J. will get right on that.

"This isn't the Wild West; this is the city of Boston," the mayor told reporters in front of the school.

OK, now I'm confused. Liberal panty-wetting gun control zealots like Menino have been telling us for years and years that loosening the Commonwealth's gun laws will only result in "wild west" shootouts in our neighborhoods.

Mumblespeak Assembly Instructions

1. Blow smoke (A) up ass (B).
2. Repeat Step 1 as necessary.

It must have been that recently passed anti-children, pro-violence law that reduced the size of firearms licenses so that they actually fit in one's wallet (yes, some "common-sense" legislators actually voted against doing that).

"Somebody who knows there's a gun out there; they have to help us," [Menino] said. "I understand their fear, can't be a bystander. You have to be part of the solution."

You want to "understand their fear"? Try spending just a week living in their neighborhood, trying to raise children and make a living - without the armed police security detail that these people are paying for with their taxes.

With all due respect (and I mean that literally), you don't understand shit, Mr. Mayor.