Friday, December 02, 2005

Speaking of Depravity

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, epitomizes the unmitigated avarice and arrogance of the Massachusetts General Court then this one article. From the Boston Globe:

Lawmakers to rescind retroactive '02 tax bills

Read it.

The whole thing.


I'll wait.

Money quote:

[Senate President Robert E. Travaglini] said the decision was "based on fairness and it's certainly based on a set of circumstances that at the time was unintended and spontaneous."




You went for the illegal, backdoor money grab, and you got busted. End of discussion. It is unfathomable that you assholes are now praising yourselves for undoing something that should never have been done in the first place, and are expecting the people to be impressed with your integrity for "doing the right thing". What the fuck are you smoking and did you bring enough for the whole class?

You fuckheads wouldn't recognize the "right thing" if it crawled up your ass sideways.

And "unintended"?



And, explain to me again, Senator Travaglini, how it's Mitt Romney who's driving people out of Massachusetts at an unprecedented rate.

Last, this quote from Michael Widmer, president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation:

I think [the Legislature] deserves high praise for this, coming together and fixing a problem that was not of their making.

"Not of their making"???

OK, disregard my earlier comment about what Trav was smoking. I want some of this guy's stash.