Thursday, January 05, 2006

Mitt Romney Whips Out the John Kerry Playbook

Just once, can't we get a presidential candidate to simply go to the range with an AR-15 (or equivalent, scary-looking piece of hardware) and blast away at targets for an afternoon? Why do we always get stuck with this fake hunting trip bullshit?

Mitt under fire for hunt: Romney catches flak after quail kill

White House hopeful Gov. Mitt Romney'’s Georgia GOP hunting party bagged plenty of quail, but the political outing backfired when it was revealed the birds had been fenced in, creating a flap with animal rights activists.

The governor and 15 others piled into four buggies at The Lodge at Cabin Bluff in Georgia and killed several quail Tuesday, according to preserve manager Patty Daniels.

"“They did kill quite a few quail. But I don'’t know how many he personally killed,"” Daniels said of Romney.

A spokesman confirmed Romney took part in the "“Sportsmen'’s Challenge"” at the Republican Governors Association conference in Georgia but ducked questions about whether the governor personally shot any animals.

[rolls eyes]

Do any of these bozos think these canned hunting trip photo-ops (hmmm...I wonder if Hillary's been fitted for her camo pantsuit yet) actually help to bolster their image as a pro-gun rights candidate? If anything, I have to think they have the exact opposite effect - at least where true 2nd Amendment supporters are concerned.

It's not like Romney's got a strong track record of fighting for our gun rights in the Commonwealth over the last few years. And, no, the fact that my new-version LTC actually fits in my wallet doesn't count. Nor does the fact that it's valid for 5+ years, as opposed to 3+ years, as they used to be.

Along those lines, if I'm still a Massachusetts resident five years from now, you all have permission to come to my house and bitch-slap me silly.