My Next Governor
Alternate Post Title: Reason #...ah, fuck it, I lost count.
From the New Hampshire Union Leader:
"You're going to love it here"??? How much did they pay some marketing "genius" to come up with that vapid piece of crap?
Well, almost any state.
Only ten grand? That's not so bad.
The way I see it, if the new signs manage to scare just one Massachusetts liberal into not moving to the Granite State, and bringing all his big-government-loving, anti-personal responsibility, gun-fearing psychoses with him, it will be ten grand well spent.
UPDATE: Per Kristopher's request, via SignMaker:
From the New Hampshire Union Leader:
Concord - Gov. John Lynch said yesterday he is eager to add the state's "Live Free or Die" motto to welcome signs along state borders.
The Senate approved a bill yesterday that would change or replace new welcome signs that began springing up last year to add the state motto. In place of blue and yellow welcome signs, the state began erecting signs with a beige background that show a small village and the slogan, "You're going to love it here."
"You're going to love it here"??? How much did they pay some marketing "genius" to come up with that vapid piece of crap?
Lynch said it's no idle rumor that he wants to get rid of the new signs.
"It's true. I want to be there when they take out the first one," he said yesterday. The new signs "don't say anything about us. Those signs could be put up in any state in the country," he said.
Well, almost any state.
The bill, SB 400, requires that all signs display the motto "prominently." It includes an estimate that the state would spend about $10,000 on sign changes. The state has roughly 50 of the signs, mostly at interstate and state highway border crossings.
Only ten grand? That's not so bad.
The way I see it, if the new signs manage to scare just one Massachusetts liberal into not moving to the Granite State, and bringing all his big-government-loving, anti-personal responsibility, gun-fearing psychoses with him, it will be ten grand well spent.
UPDATE: Per Kristopher's request, via SignMaker: