Friday, November 02, 2007

NYT Blogger Flogging Follow-Up

OK, so my head's finally returned to something close to normal size, following my recent InstalancheTM (my second, actually) and Michelle Malkin linkage.

Needless to say, the camera will be accompanying me on any and all Fred Thompson campaign appearances I'll be attending from now on. If I hadn't shot that video, Christine Hauser's account of what went down in the State House corridor on Monday could have stood as the official media record of that event.

Though, not everyone was convinced.

Where is the proof this was the same event the NY Times was referring to. Based on your previous stretching of the truth why should we believe you?

Translated: Where is the proof that this video footage of Fred Thompson walking out of the Secretary of State's office on the second floor of the State House in Concord to an assembled group of supporters is actually video footage of Fred Thompson walking out of the Secretary of State's office on the second floor of the State House in Concord to an assembled group of supporters, as Ms. Hauser wrote about?

Now, as to my history of "stretching the truth", I asked the commenter for specific examples of when I had done that. The response:

Bruce, you really are saying you do not know when you have been accused of stretching the truth?. Are you drunk?

OK, so now we've gone from my having stretched the truth to my having been accused of stretching the truth.

If that's what you call bringing your A-game, you're out of your league, friend.

But, hey, I enjoy this. Let's have it.

UPDATE: Add National Review to the link list.

Though Greg Polowitz incorrectly asserts that I claimed my comment at the NYT blog was "deleted". My comment never made it past the moderator, as I had clearly stated [UPDATE: OK, maybe not that clearly. What I said was, "My comment seems to have been misplaced somewhere over there."]. Can't delete what you never posted.

Technically speaking.

UPDATE II: File under "Detecting a pattern, yet?".

From The Jawa Report - April 2006:

Which leads me to believe that Christine Hauser at the Times hasn't seen the video which is about as crystal clear as I've ever seen. In fact, the video runs at 512 mbs. I had to make the images smaller for this post as the originals would have taken nearly the entire center column! If you read the rest of the column, you realize that what Hauser had done was read an AFP story and then simply repeated most of it!

No way.