Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happiest School Shooting Ever

I wonder, as does Kim, why news of this school shooting didn't get any coverage on (insert MSM outlet of your choosing). Usually, the mainstream media vultures in this country are all over these stories like mud on a pig.

This one...not so much.

Terrorists killed after infiltrating school

Two Palestinian terrorists were killed after infiltrating a school in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

The terrorists disabled an alert system built into the perimeter fence of Kibbutz Kfar Etzion on Thursday and then sneaked into the Mekor Hayim high school yeshiva building, according to media reports. They then entered a classroom where they stabbed two counselors. The wounds were not considered life-threatening.

Two armed counselors then overpowered and killed the terrorists, who were unable to fire their weapons. Mekor Hayim high school is run by famed Talmudist Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.

Jerusalem Post:

Earlier, Hamas's military wing, Izzadin al-Kassam, claimed responsibility for Thursday evening's terror attack at the Gush Etzion high-school, Army Radio reported Friday.

According to Palestinian sources, the two terrorists, Muhammad and Mahmoud Samarna, were cousins and both Hamas affiliates from the Beit Ummar village north of Hebron.

A senior government official said that the two terrorists were released last week from an Israeli prison after they had completed their prison terms for attempting to steal weapons.

The two terrorists were killed after infiltrating the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva.

The terrorists, armed with knives and a pistol, infiltrated the kibbutz and sneaked into a building used by the high school, run by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.

They entered a classroom where counselors were holding a meeting, and stabbed two of them. Two of the counselors were armed and managed to overpower and kill the terrorists, without giving them a chance to fire their pistol, a Hatzallah spokesman said.

I blame the NRA.