Sunday, May 18, 2008

From the "Not Getting It" Hall of Fame

Boston Globe: At a loss

That's putting it mildly.

Massachusetts is losing many of its native sons and daughters to other states and is having a harder time attracting transplants than the vast majority of the country.


Massachusetts is the country's ninth worst in attracting residents from other states, the study shows. It ranked 48th in terms of losing residents to other states.

Here's what the "experts" have to say on the matter.

"The problem is that we just can't get people to come to Massachusetts as much as they want to leave," said Andrew Sum, the center's director and author of the report. "We need to start asking what we can do to make Massachusetts a more desirable place to live, why people don't want to come here to live."




You don't need to "start asking" anyone anything, Andrew!

You need to start LISTENING!

Plenty of folks, myself included, have been talking about this for years. Most of the people who choose to stay in Massachusetts do not even want to hear what the problem is, let alone do something about it. Solving the problem would shatter their illusion of life in a socialist/totalitarian paradise ruled solely by liberal, sorry, "progressive" Democrats.

"We're looking forward, not backward," [Mark A. Sullivan Jr.] said. "The challenge is not to look at the historical numbers but to devise the programs that will retain the individuals in the Commonwealth."

WOW! These people are BEYOND clueless!

It's been the "devising of government programs" that's been causing people to leave the state in droves all these years.

"Oh crap, the boat's leaking! Hand me that drill so I can put some drain holes in the hull."

Then again, I'd expect nothing less from the "executive director of Citizens for Citizens, an antipoverty agency in Fall River".

Naturally, the Governor's office is in "spin cycle" mode over this.

Officials in Governor Deval Patrick's administration say they are working to give residents more reasons to stay.

Since the administration took power in 2007, the state has gained 20,000 jobs, the average price of single-family homes has dropped about 10 percent...

Last week, the problem of declining home values was a national crisis, the blame for which was being placed on the Bush administration. Go figure.

And, here's a riddle for you.

Q: How can you tell you're reading the Boston Globe

Others are less concerned about the cost of living than they are about the left-leaning politics of Massachusetts.

I guess that depends on one's definition of "leaning".

Derek Hoskins, 34, prefers to spend $650 in gas a month to commute from his home in Rindge, N.H., to his office in Northborough. He doesn't want to bother with the taxes, gun laws, and other regulations that distinguish life in Massachusetts from New Hampshire.

"When I drive across the border into New Hampshire, I feel as if a weight has been taken off my shoulders," said Hoskins, who moved from Fitchburg last year. "I no longer have a state government that wants to dictate what I do."

What a bitter man.

All I can say is GOOD LUCK to all of you still living down there.

You're going to need it.

That, and a U-Haul.