Monday, August 31, 2009

Frank Guinta's Town Hall Meeting - UPDATED

It's scheduled for 6:00 tonight at Exeter Town Hall.

I'll be on my way out the door in a few minutes.

Stay tuned for pics and video.

UPDATE: Got some good video of Carl Tomanelli, the retired New York City cop from Londonderry who was escorted by the police from Carol Shea-Porter's "clown hall forum" on Saturday.

And, yeah, you guys can stop e-mailing that link. I saw it the first time around.

Exeter Town Hall about an hour before the event.

My first impression of Mayor Guinta leaves me asking serious questions about his ability to be an effective representative in Congress. Not once did he make any disparaging remarks about anyone in the audience - no juvenile scrotum jokes intended to degrade the character of tens of millions of American citizens. Nor did he call anyone a Nazi or a racist.

The forum was open to anyone who wanted to walk in and have a seat - no metal detectors or special "permission slips" required to speak your mind.

He took questions and provided well thought out answers, discussing actual steps that we could be taking to improve the country's healthcare system without running up trillions in additional debt or funneling billions in pork payouts to organized labor.

He spoke of personal responsibility and individual choice.

I'm sorry, but I just don't think he'll fit in with that group of elitist, out of touch, cash-grabbing scumbags down in Washington.

UPDATE II: Of course, the "Reasoned Discourse" contingency was there as well.

Needless to say, these guys were a little short on specifics. And, I have to admit, I did heckle them a little. Hey, it's not every day that you get to yell out in your best Count Floyd voice, "Ow-ooooohhh! Personal freedom! CHOICE!!! Scaddy stuff!"

UPDATE III: Carl Tomanelli speaks.