Monday, December 21, 2009


From Gun Owners of New Hampshire:


They have BANNED GUNS in the statehouse! The Joint Committee on Legislative Facilities, the committee that typically decides on what color to paint the halls, repair the roof, amount of salaries and other housekeeping matters have decided to TAKE AWAY your second amendment rights!! No notice, no opportunity to be heard, nothing! GO-NH has friends everywhere (and thank goodness to a Republican friend for this scoop minutes after the vote, he called the GO-PHONE to report this travesty of justice).

The NH Legislative Facilities Committee voted today to ban firearms in the NH State House.

This is a Joint Committee, and members are:

Sylvia Larsen (D)
Terie Norelli (D)
Margaret Hassan (D)
Mary Jane Wallner (D)
Peter Bragdon (R)
Sherman Packard (R)
Lou D'Allesandro (D)
Marjorie Smith (D)
Daniel Eaton (D)
Gene Chandler (R)
Martha Fuller Clark (D)
Sheila Roberge (R)

The Joint Facilities committee just passed by an 8-3 vote (party lines)
the following regulation on the State House:

"No person, except for law enforcement personnel in active duty, shall
carry a firearm or other dangerous or deadly weapon or an explosive,
openly or concealed, while inside the State House, the Legislative
Office Building, the Upham Walker House, or any of the underground
tunnels connected to these buildings. Law enforcement personnel, when
requested by State House security staff, must produce sufficient
identification establishing their status as law enforcement personnel."

They tried and were unsuccessful in early 2008 to enact this gun ban through lawful legislative channels. So, now, in the spirit of open and transparent government (aka: Hopenchange) they've decided to pack a committee full of freedom-hating statists and ram it through when no one was paying attention, and with no public notice or legislative hearings.

Gee, why does that strategy sound so familiar?

"...but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."