Give Us This Day Our Daily Race-Baiting Idiots
Scorecards out, kids!
Time to add another "secret Republican code word" to the list of seemingly innocuous words that are, in "reality", vile, racist hate speech.
Today's entry: professor
And parents are paying these race-baiting Janeane Garfalo fanboys good money to instill wisdom in the young, impressionable minds of their offspring.
(link via Ace of Spades HQ)
Time to add another "secret Republican code word" to the list of seemingly innocuous words that are, in "reality", vile, racist hate speech.
Today's entry: professor
[Harvard professor Charles J.] Ogletree, founding and executive director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, says he sees the “professor” label as a thinly veiled attack on Obama’s race. Calling Obama “the professor” walks dangerously close to labeling him “uppity,” a term with racial overtones that has surfaced in the political arena before, Ogletree said.
Thomas L. Haskell, a professor emeritus of history at Rice University, agrees that racial bias may be implicit in the attack on Obama’s professorial past.
“For me and a lot of other academic types, we identify with Obama precisely because he is an intellectual,” Haskell says. “But what does that mean to John Q. Public? I don’t know. John Q. Public may be frightened of these people, especially because this particular intellectual is a black.”
And parents are paying these race-baiting Janeane Garfalo fanboys good money to instill wisdom in the young, impressionable minds of their offspring.
(link via Ace of Spades HQ)