Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Hi, Kettle? This is Pot calling.

It looks like we have the makings of a new daily feature here at mAss Backwards: "Whiny Massachusetts Liberal du Jour". From today's Boston Globe:
Minutes after Governor Mitt Romney appeared outside his State House office yesterday to criticize vice presidential candidate John Edwards as too liberal, Massachusetts Democrats vowed to file formal complaints against Romney for allegedly violating laws that prohibit the use of public property for political activity.
Yes, the Governor's office was contacted by several media outlets for a comment on the recent selection of John Edwards as Kerry's running mate. Romney responds by addressing the issue at a small, impromptu press conference. And, as is becoming all too predictable, the Democrats come out screaming like a bunch of babies who just had their Tele-Tubbies privileges revoked.
Romney, continuing to develop his role as a chief Republican critic of home-state Democrat John F. Kerry, staged an afternoon press conference flanked by five aides and the state flag to complain that "John Kerry is more liberal than the people at large, and I think John Edwards falls from that same mold."
God forbid someone should express any opinions that might run contrary to those of the tyrannical Democratic regime running the Commonwealth.
Representative J. James Marzilli Jr., an Arlington Democrat, said the use of the state flag and the State House "leads an unknowing public to believe that this is the position of the Commonwealth, rather than the opinion of one politician."
Yeah, "Representative" Marzilli, we're ALL that naive. After all we're just a bunch of commoners who don't know our asses from our elbows. Please share with us little people the bounty of your vast font of knowledge and intellect. What a wanker.

But, NOTHING could possibly top this quote of the day from Sen. Jarrett Barrios (emphasis mine, obviously) courtesy of the Boston Herald:
"They cannot use this building for their bully pulpit for politics. They need to go outside the State House like everyone else."
Memo to Senator Barrios: Go fuck yourself. Hypocritical arrogance or arrogant hypocrisy? I report, you decide.

So, lets recap. Democratic legislators in Massachusetts are allowed to do pretty much anything they want, with little regard for the wants and needs of the citizens of the Commonwealth. If a Republican, or even a wayward Democrat, dares to speak out against the liberal establishment, or even tries to create a sense of balance in the political landscape, he or she must be drawn and quartered, and hung out to dry. Yep, that sounds about right. So much for dissent being patriotic.