Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Welcome to the Jungle Blogroll

Welcome reader Badpatty (aka: Uncle Caveman) to the blogroll - a long overdue addition.

Elvis, Captain Howdy and the Trials of Job

Where pop culture, Pez culture and throat cultures meet. Welcome to my brain. Please take your shoes off.

Sounds like a winning formula to me. And he drives a Jeep - 10 bonus points.

And from Badpatty comes this story of a disgruntled Asian tattoo artist who was "tired of seeing sacred Japanese words, symbols of his heritage, inked on random white people", so he chose to exercise a bit of artistic license. That's some funny stuff. Here's the money quote:

"I think I’m helping my fellow man by labeling all the stupid people in the world," he explained. "It’s not a crime, it’s a public service."

Amen, brother. Coincidentally, we have a similar system here in Massachusetts, except we use "No Blood For Oil" and "Defend America - Re-defeat Bush" bumper stickers for tagging purposes.