Monday, June 06, 2005

Merry Christmas, Howie

Former House Speaker Indicted

Grand Jury Investigating Finneran's Redistricting Testimony

BOSTON -- Former House Speaker Thomas Finneran was charged Monday with lying to a federal appeals court about his involvement in a legislative redistricting plan minority groups said would hurt black and Hispanic candidates.

The federal indictment charges Finneran with three counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice. A conviction could carry prison time and strip Finneran of his license to practice law.

U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan scheduled a 3 p.m. news conference to announce the indictment.

Can't say I'd lose any sleep over a guilty verdict here.

And I gotta say, it was awfully nice of Sullivan's office hold off on the official announcement until 3:00, so that Howie Carr could carry it live on his show today.