Monday, October 03, 2005

Weekend Wrap-Up

It was a pretty busy weekend, so let's get right to it. First up...

The good:

My wife had a work commitment that had her gone most of the day, so I got to spend some real quality time with my three-year-old twin daughters. We took our usual walk to the local coffee shop for bagels and coffee. Just to clarify, "walk" in this instance means putting the kids in the Radio Flyer and pulling them to the coffee shop, and "bagels" means scraping all the cream cheese off with their fingers and eating it straight up.

This was followed by some quality playground time: hide and seek, slides, swings, climbing, running, digging in the sandbox, collecting acorns for Mr. Squirrel, you name it.

And, yes, the plan (contingency number 12-B for those of you with the latest edition of the Parents Survival Guide) worked. After lunch, they dropped right off for their naps so I could settle down on the couch for the Red Sox-Yankees game.

Which, of course, brings us to...

The bad:

OK, so the Red Sox lost to the Yankees (BOOOO!), forcing us to settle (once again) for the American League wild card spot. But hey, it worked out OK for us last year. To paraphrase Whitesnake, "Here we go again!"

And don't even get me started on that Patriots "game".

All was not lost for the afternoon, though. After the girls woke up, I took them to the Men's Wearhouse to help me make good of use the gift card my in-laws gave me for my birthday (as if the 18-year-old single malt scotch was somehow insufficient).

And, not that I'm getting all touchy-feely with my feminine side, but I think I'm beginning to understand the therapeutic value of clothes shopping. As the Red Sox were in the midst of getting spanked by the Yankees, this new jacket followed me home.

And yes, it made me feel better.

But, as always, there's more. And I don't think any amount of "shopping therapy" - short of actually buying myself a new house in New Hampshire - could help me get over the following missed opportunity.

The ugly:

Saturday was the day of the Open House at the Harvard Sportsmen's Club, home of the 2005 Northeast Bloggershoot. Needless to say, I was unable to attend.

See the after-action reports here and here.

Gee, you know, now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't have had much fun there anyway. I mean, seriously, who wants to hang out with a bunch of guys on a beautiful autumn day in New England, and play with (suppressed!) machine guns and (very) large-caliber rifles?

Yeah, me neither.