Monday, January 23, 2006

Arrogant Little Snot-Nosed Kids - UPDATE

A quick update to my post from last week about the sweet little cherubs we have frolicking about in our neighborhood. If you'll recall, their latest display of thick-headedness and disrespect involved turning my new lawn into their personal footpath to get to the next street over without having to walk a hundred yards or so on the (gasp!) sidewalks.

As last I reported, over the course of a few hours last Friday, we had removed two chairs they had placed in our yard to help them climb over our fence. Now, you would think that upon seeing their chairs repeatedly removed from our yard, they'd pick up on the hint that their presence was not all that welcome there.

Well, at least that's what you'd think if we were dealing with semi-intelligent lifeforms. I got up Saturday morning to take the kids to the local coffeeshop for bagels, and what do I see in the backyard?

It seems they ran out of objects in the neighbor's yard to throw over the fence (I guess they only had one bench), so it became open season on our stuff. That's my wife's flowerpot that was next to our house in the driveway - emphasis on "was". But, wait, it gets better.


Saturday afternoon, I was in the backyard helping the girls fill up the grapefruit birdfeeders we had just made.

[we interrupt this regularly-scheduled post to bring you these terribly cute pictures of my beautiful daughters]

Well, we hadn't been out there for five minutes when we heard some voices coming from the side of the house. Sure enough, I turn my head and there's a couple of Pumpkin Boy's "girlfriends" taking a casual stroll into our backyard, heading toward "their" new flowerpot stepladder.

They stopped as soon as they see me and went into this pathetic charade of being confused as to whose yard they were walking through. Well, I read them the riot act and told them in no uncertain terms that the days of beating a footpath into my new lawn are over, and that they should pass that news onto their cerebrally-bereft little boyfriends.

Punji sticks and tiger pits are next up on the menu.