Thursday, April 06, 2006

The "Reality-Based" Response

"Charley on the MTA", who's thrown his two cents into the mix on my earlier post on the new health care "reform" bill, has carried the conversation over to Blue Mass. Group. Registration is required to comment over there, so I'll post this reply over here.

From the comments over at BMG, comes this gem from "drgonzo":

I think "Bruce" and his pals with their heads on ass backward (which has no "s" affixed to it, in the English language at least) can take long trip out the MassPike and never come back.

Hey, drgonzo, here's a bit of free advice to you. If you're going to rip someone over their English grammar and usage, do yourself a favor first and make sure you know what the fuck you're talking about.



1. Directed or facing toward the back or rear.
2. Done or arranged in a manner or order that is opposite to previous occurrence or normal use.
3. Unwilling to act; reluctant; shy.
4. Behind others in progress or development: The technology was backward, but the system worked.

adv. or back-wards

1. To or toward the back or rear.
2. With the back leading.
3. In a reverse manner or order.
4. To, toward, or into the past.
5. Toward a worse or less advanced condition.

But, I digress.

As far as "taking long trip" and never coming back is concerned, I was thinking of heading up I-93 or I-95 to New Hampshire (no MA tolls...yet), but navigational details aside, I couldn't agree more with the sentiment.

B/c the longer they stay here the more we, the hard-working citizens of Massachusetts continue to subsidize these ingrates.

Huh? Is someone making martinis with the bongwater again?

I bet Bruce likes roads, and schools, and fire and police protection.

Sure do. Though, I've been under the impression that I've been paying through the teeth for these services for the last sixteen years or so (sales tax, motor vehicle excise tax, gas tax, state income tax, property tax, etc).

Silly me, I always assumed that once the teachers' unions and the liberal politicians' special interest groups du jour got their cut, that there'd be at least a few bucks left over for the above-mentioned services.

I bet Bruce thinks everyone oughta pay their own way.

Yes, but that's only because I'm a big meanie.

I bet Bruce has never paid his own way, b/c we continue to subsidize him.

Someone seriously needs to rethink his personal definition of "reality-based". Or, stop breaking the pills in half.

So, the sooner Bruce cuts out, the less we have to worry about paying for his roads, schools, police and fire protection.

I'll be sure keep that in mind the next time I drop off the check for my kids' preschool.

"Reality-based"? Sounds more like "freebased" to me.

But, hey, whatever floats your boat.