Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Shooting the Beaten Dead Horse

OK, so this has been blogged to death, but I gotta get a few licks in.

I want to take a minute to highlight the sheer arrogance John Kerry put on display recently at a town meeting in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. When asked to name the foreign leaders who he claims have offered their support for his run for the White house, Kerry tells the questioner that it's none of his business. But when pressed on the issue further, instead of answering the question, he badgers the man by asking repeatedly "Are you a Republican?" and "Did you vote for George Bush?"

The man gives Kerry honest answers to his questions, which Kerry then uses as justification of his refusal to respond to the previous questions. He then insists that the man reveal his voter enrollment status and his past voting record - things that ARE none of Kerry's business.

This arrogant prick honestly believes he has no obligation to answer questions asked by anyone who's not a liberal Democrat willing to follow him to the ocean like a lemming. Boy, it sure takes a lot of courage to field questions from people whose lips are stuck to your ass, huh? What office does he think he's running for? Massachusetts Senator?

The next time someone tries to tell you Kerry's a moderate, just say "Yeah...in Massachusetts maybe." Stick a fork in the Brahmin Noodle - he's done.

Update: James Taranto's Best of the Web has Limbaugh's transcript of the exchange.