Wednesday, April 06, 2005

As the Big Dig Turns

Well, This Sounds Familiar

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

The Federal Highway Administration released its interim report on the Big Dig on Monday. This Boston Herald editorial piece pulls this quote from it:

The slurry wall panel which was breached by a major leak last September "contained defects and inclusions that were caused by poor quality control and quality assurance," the report found.

When It Rains, It Pours

When snow turns to rain, you can be pretty sure it's springtime in Boston. But if it's raining gravel, you must be in the Big Dig's I-93 tunnel.

A day after the federal government declared the Big Dig tunnels safe, three cars and an ambulance transporting a patient were badly damaged yesterday by falling debris in the southbound lanes of the Interstate 93 tunnel.

No need to worry, though. A spokesman for Modern Continental assures us that this is an "isolated incident".

Well, that's reassuring - here's my checkbook. Take what you need. I trust you. Besides, I was only going to use my hard-earned money to buy food and clothing for my children.